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Good and bad sides of being abroad

PostNapisane: 11 sty 2008, 19:43
przez gnom
After being in this country almost three years, I started considering what are good and bad sides of being abroad. There is no doubt for me, that working and living abroad makes people stronger. People could be more independent. And I am not talking only about financial side. If you are open minded, you could mix with other cultures, other people, experience new things. In Poland there is almost monoculture society and to experience something different is quite difficult. People were always talking about possibilities. Going abroad will give me a chance to buy my own property back in Poland, for example. Well, nowadays considering the pound value, probably there would be worth to put a question mark after that sentene. Still, there are some views to earn enough money and go back to Poland. Probably come back will have to be postpone for a little bit. But, coming back to the topic. What are other good sides of being abroad? One of them is a chance to practise English. For myself that was a main reason to leave Poland. I can confess, that in a way, I have achieved this target. But on the other hand, there are bad thing of being abroad too. The worst thing is probably feeling of lonelyness and being far far away from family. Other than this... our friends and favourite places are back home. So... Is it worth to be abroad? I think that this depends from individual situation. For me it is worth. At least for a little bit.

Is it worth for you as well? What do you think about it?

Re: Good and bad sides of being abroad

PostNapisane: 18 sty 2008, 16:10
przez KoNdZi
It is good that somebody write about good and bad sites of being abroad..I'm still in poland but soon I will be there in Birmingham but I don't really think about this that I will be looking back here .As you said for most of people, it's a great opportunity to live there alone and to look on somethink new,that is great I think especially when somebody lived with his/her parents only, for years it's really sad for young people, becouse most of use live like that and looking for something, sometimes they really don't know what is it but they are looking all the time :>...(stupid things)...I actually looking for some job there in Birmingham I graduate secondary poligraphic technical school 3 years ago, now I'm studying construction Engineering on Politechnika Swiętokrzyska ,I'm on the third year now ... And I just looking for some kind of job there, becouse I do a year of break(doesn't matter)...Maybe you have something for a person like me(or some good sites becouse really when I'm looking for something I finding all the time work for high eductaed people and I'm just middle educated person) ..I must say that you wrote good article.(realyl!!)
(sorry for grammar mistakes it is really horrible) :)

Re: Good and bad sides of being abroad

PostNapisane: 15 lut 2008, 13:20
przez sacred.spirit
As you said there are many good and bad things about living abroad. Being apart from your family and places you know & love is definitely the hardest thing. I think most (or many) people don't realise how hard that could be. Planning their "migration" they only think about positives. (Well, most of my friends did) How beautiful the new "homecountry" is gonna be, how easy it will be to live there, find a job, earn good money.. But when they arrive here - the reality hits them. Of course many people manage to find good jobs and settle in quite nicely. But - in my experience - the longing for what they've left is sometimes overwhelming. I suppose it depends on individual circumstances. Some of my friends have brought their entire families with them :-) , then of course the homesickness is not so great.

The benefits would be the opportunity to (as you mentioned) meet new cultures, learn the "lingo" :wink: , of course financial and career aspects too. Also the education with worldwide recognised certificates and diplomas.

For me..? It was the thought of being independent . Plus I loved the whole multicultural idea :grin: I 've meet people from virtually every country I could think of. And I liked how laid back people were. I fell in love in the UK (I mean - in the country) I think it was the freedom I liked most :wink: .
I don't think I was looking for anything, I was just having fun :razz: . But then again, maybe I was? Hm...

Re: Good and bad sides of being abroad

PostNapisane: 25 lut 2008, 23:11
przez creo0
Is being in ENG is good ? Huh nice subject very comfortable to write about it.First of all its up to you , depends of location in ENG.For example if u are in some village you are fu**ed ;-)Ofc I am able to say honestly that i am happy here couse i met lots of kind,smart and polite people.But there is always danger exspecially in dark corners :twisted:.At the begining i had hard situation.People around me tried to use me ... in the main they wished bad for me couse of jellous and other things...I learnt that u can count just on yourself.And its the point.It doesn't matter that u are this or that person.Important is that ENG is real school of life.I felt it on myself and I am glad that i handled it.

bye my brothers!
I took a look on my post and i found its too short and i rather i throw smth else.
In fact its better to feel that adventure witch is trip to ENG than being in stagnation..Its still experience.I dont regret it anyway.But people witch comes here without any language knowledge should consider it.Becouse I am 20 soon 21 and i am lets say young and without language i really wouldn't find a job ... at least by myself any.

In summary it is worth to come here anyway.

with love LuKa5Z

Re: Good and bad sides of being abroad

PostNapisane: 12 maja 2008, 16:11
przez kahna7
It's the country you live in that makes you happy or miserable. Therefore I decided to come here almost 4 years ago and I will never regret this decision! I have always loved England and always wanted to come here; when I did I couldn't leave (for some personal reasons). Now I have settled down and not going to go back to Poland ('coz I can't, my life and my new family are now here, this is where I belong) It's love for this country that has brought me here and love for a man that has kept me here! Both of these are essential ingredients of my overall happiness in my current life.

Re: Good and bad sides of being abroad

PostNapisane: 12 maja 2008, 23:32
przez DjXeed
Actually, I have to say that I hate that coutry. When you'll look around, all you can see is just a mess. Too many pakis legally robbing the country, in a few years time this country will be fu%ked! I hate the weather, I hate no culture on the road ( especially becouse I'am motorbiker, and no respect on the road is both dangerous and annoying ), I hate left-hand side! In fact, once I will finish my degree I will fu%k off home. In the end, the only adventage I can see is the fact, that over that country, if you're an a student, you can easily study and work on part time, and you can afford it.

Re: Good and bad sides of being abroad

PostNapisane: 13 maja 2008, 06:49
przez kahna7
To DjXeed: Which agress with what I said 'It's the country you live in that makes you happy or miserable' you certainly are extremely miserable so I don't know why you came here in the first place... Things you wrote show you are a bit (or maybe even a lot!) racist I'm afrid, which means this country is definitely not for you, and you need to reconsider your own attitude to other people, other nations and remember about equality and diversity (if you have the slightest idea about what these mean) You must also live in a cheap, rough area if that's what you think of it (hence of England 'just a mess') Go out a bit more a see more of this exciting country, I htink it's much cleaner than the dirty and neglected streets in Poland. Open your eyes mate, as you are in the dark; completely mistaken!! No culture on the roads... you must have really been born in a different country (are you sure you are Polish?) HAve you ever driven in Poland? Well, I have and I can tell you that Polish driving is all about racing, being cooler, rude and selfish. As opposed to polite drivers in England; obviously you will always find some nut cases everywhere! As an example, which driver in Poland would stop at the zebra crossing to let people cross??!!?? Wake up man!! It really hurts to read all the bollocks you have written!

Re: Good and bad sides of being abroad

PostNapisane: 13 maja 2008, 08:11
przez DjXeed
Well, as I lived in Szczecin I never had any traffic problems, absolutely any. You probably had, becouse as I suppose you drive a car, I ride on motorbike, and in Poland people do have a respect for motorbikers. In here there is absolutely no respect for motorbikers. That's why most of them do have a security cameras on the front, so they can claim pretty good money sueing other stupid drivers for road offences in case of accident. You call me a rasist... Actually, I have absolutely nothing against other skin colours and religion, it's just about this country's attitiude that simply says; We're getting robbed. And we don't give a fuck... A country so afraid of being attacked with accusations of racism that simply closes the mouth for everything these people are doing. That's what it is. Asking what I came here for? Money and education, becouse these are the only things this country have to offer , I've already earned for my motorbike and five year degree, once it's finished, I'am fucking off home to live among culture I know, with people I know for ages and what's the most important, with rules - stupid ones, but in Poland there are no legal thievs except these ones on the top of the ladder. This messy country you are fighting for is already overrun by people from Middle East, these people stealing money renting council flats, living on benefits and earning on black markets, this is the mess I'am talking about. It is no wonder that these more educated britons already fed up with the country are leaving in search of better life to Australia, Canada or New Zealand (see Broken Britain). You say wake up? Actually, you are supposed to open your eyes. Read english newspapers and stuff like that, where you can see real point of view of uk locals. I'm earning good money here, even if it's only on part time in BrmB Radio, and I do work with people after postgraduate studies, but as I work there, I can hear their point of view and point of view of people calling to the radio and speaking loudly what do they think, you'd better don't ask me to quote them, becouse then you could call me a racist...

Re: Good and bad sides of being abroad

PostNapisane: 13 maja 2008, 11:06
przez Luiza
kahna7 napisał(a):Go out a bit more a see more of this exciting country, I htink it's much cleaner than the dirty and neglected streets in Poland.
kahna7 napisał(a):As an example, which driver in Poland would stop at the zebra crossing to let people cross??!!??
Can you tell me where do you live in Poland. Some weird messy place where drivers do not stop at zebra?!?!
In my town drivers do stop at zebra crossing before you even get to it. Streets are nice and clean. People are polite. It is safe.
100% support for DjXeed. I work with educated English people and their frustration is close to the limits because of this injustice. Immigrants can get anything they want but there is nothing for brits. They think there will be revolution soon. And they are not racists!!

Re: Good and bad sides of being abroad

PostNapisane: 16 maja 2008, 15:43
przez kahna7
Luiza napisał(a):I work with educated English people and their frustration is close to the limits because of this injustice. Immigrants can get anything they want but there is nothing for brits. They think there will be revolution soon. And they are not racists!!
They must be really educated if that's what they think! Who do you think I work with (and am married to)? I teach English in college and people there have respect for foreigners and value equality and diversity (I think neither of you knows the meaning of these two words - so I don't think I am dealing with well-educated people here) I'm not getting involved in kiddie discussions with DJKeed anymore (even his nickname tells a lot about him) as I don't like prats. All I can say to him is reply to this
DjXeed napisał(a):I ride on motorbike, and in Poland people do have a respect for motorbikers. In here there is absolutely no respect for motorbikers

but have you seen how they drive over here? They are absolute twats - hence they are treated like ones (judging by your attitude you probably are one of them)

Re: Good and bad sides of being abroad

PostNapisane: 16 maja 2008, 17:32
przez DjXeed
Nevermind. I already added you to me ignored list. I don't give a fuck what you think about me, and especially if your opinion is based on my nick ( you have no idea what does it mean ) and being a motorbiker. Mentioned equality? Where is this equality, when in fact, they can more than the others? Grassa...

Re: Good and bad sides of being abroad

PostNapisane: 17 maja 2008, 07:44
przez Mike
I agree with DjXeed 100%

kahna7 napisał(a):As an example, which driver in Poland would stop at the zebra crossing to let people cross??!!??

that really made me laugh, dont know what kind of place in poland u come from but u must be really scared when it comes to visit family in poland cos its quite dangerous lol

kahna7 napisał(a):(I think neither of you knows the meaning of these two words - so I don't think I am dealing with well-educated people here) I'm not getting involved in kiddie discussions with DJKeed anymore (even his nickname tells a lot about him) as I don't like prats.

I think they know exacly the meaning of those words & I can see ur short of words cause started insolting people although they didnt say a bad word about u witch makes u really pathetic. IMHO basing of what u say ur one of those women who married a muslim and converted to islam am I right? :mrgreen:

Re: Good and bad sides of being abroad

PostNapisane: 17 maja 2008, 09:12
przez kahna7
Mike napisał(a):ur one of those women who married a muslim and converted to islam am I right?

and you think you are better than the the other two 'coz you're defending them.. poor Poles, don't know anything about life esp life in this country! I am not going to share my private life with you, bastards, but all I can say is that you are talking rubbish and are completely wrong about everything you said so you'd better not speak again. And for your information it's called tolerance towards other races and nations, which is what someone like will never understand.
Mike napisał(a): think they know exacly the meaning of those words

and you know that for how interesting, usually it works in the way that prats like to stick together so no wonder you are supporting them...

Re: Good and bad sides of being abroad

PostNapisane: 17 maja 2008, 17:49
przez DjXeed
My opinion about her? Not a married, not a teacher, just a polish golddigger dating loaded paki, and can't get over the truth. We are not talking about out hatered to people from middle east, it's about truth, that they are obviously using their skin colour to shut this country's mouth.

After all, even if you work in school, don't you think it's a place, where people will never say their opinion clearly and loudly? As I work in a radio, nobody's bothered, people calling the radio ain't bothered, they just talk clearly and loudly about their frustration, people from the whole local ladder. You probably don't listen to the radio, you're just closed in your little scholar world, and even when you are alone with your non-skilled opinion ( Uni slang ) you still keep on telling the same bullshit all over again and again...

Re: Good and bad sides of being abroad

PostNapisane: 17 maja 2008, 18:55
przez Mike
OMG ur calling me 'prat'? Im not gonna insult u cause youve allready done it...

kahna7 napisał(a):poor Poles

ur Pole aswell no matter u want it or not, people like u are disgrace for our nation I dont wanna even know what do you answer when asked 'where u from'