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README in english (no dictionaries!)

PostNapisane: 9 maja 2010, 11:45
przez FX
Hi all

Welcome to the dark side of this forum.No cheats only plain mind.My offer for the subject as a first shot is : What the hell am I doing in England ... or other ...(: the CHOICE IS YOURS.

The point of this topic is ... write as you can ... i stopped myself hardly twice from looking up the dictionary ...dont try to be 2 smart ...

There we can go

Re: README in english (no dictionaries!)

PostNapisane: 9 maja 2010, 12:00
przez kahna77
why dark? for me it's a daily life, and so should be for most us, we should live our lives in English as we are here, otherwise we are... pure materialists :-D hope you understand my 'metaphor' ..

[ Dodano: Nie Maj 09, 2010 13:03 ]
and your choice of the 1st topic is a bit samey and predictable :smile: haha

Re: README in english (no dictionaries!)

PostNapisane: 9 maja 2010, 13:34
przez FX
hi kahna77 glad you joined my topic i was counting on you :D

This is a dark side of the forum becouse we are on the English side :D

Yes we should live our lives in eng So this is what i am doing ...i live with english people in the wsharte house just for learning purposes...

But enough of talking about me ...

By the way some people like england some don't ... i am one of those who likes ...

later kahta77 now go to kitchen watch my rise boiling on sp... :D

The subject is : "I am 23 i can't bear with pressure and people surrounnding me as they expect way too much of me. Should I commit a suicide?"

I think this forum sucks becouse there's too many people with the same views and opinions ... HOW ABOUT THIS SUBJECT Huh ?

Re: README in english (no dictionaries!)

PostNapisane: 9 maja 2010, 17:52
przez alfonso
my friend , i think you are realy boring
otherwise you will write in our language
if you want to show all of as here , you can speak da language
you are funny becouse plenty people can, but don't show that

if you want to live with them good , but i think you want to show rest of as you are better then we

good luck in your challenge

Re: README in english (no dictionaries!)

PostNapisane: 9 maja 2010, 18:25
przez FX
alfonso, my friend

this isn't about challange or competing it's all about practice...

How on earth you want to speak/write english without doing it in other word without practicing?

I dont care if I am better than you becouse it doeasn't make me any stronger at all its not relevant to me simply becouse i lead different life and basically i'm different ... ya know what i mean.

Other thing is I cant help the fact I want see my polish allies writing english...

If you want you can take it as a challange ... but its not apply to me ...

This is just kind of guy I am :D

Re: README in english (no dictionaries!)

PostNapisane: 9 maja 2010, 19:12
przez kahna77
alfonso napisał(a):my friend , i think you are realy boring

I think you are boring having written what you did! why does it bother you? Noone is trying to impress anyone here, if you don't like it, just ignore it and get with your life mate!

Btw I think you could do with some English lessons, mate, I know a good private teacher of English if you are interested :smile:

FX - will get back to you later as busy preparing my lessons now :-)

[ Dodano: Nie Maj 09, 2010 20:13 ]
I meant 'get on with your life' missed a word, typing mistake

Re: README in english (no dictionaries!)

PostNapisane: 10 maja 2010, 18:23
przez FX
Seems like my topic aint got too much of popularity.
But i won't let this go on no longer ... due to my absent (work).

pLS pEOPLE ... Just try to foucus on thoughts consisted(?) in words... don't care about syntax or spelling ...just let it go between the lines ...

I don't bite and also They've made a bad person out of due to my unusual point of view on(might be an error here) the life... I think life is not really worth living ...but this is not the case to talk about here now... [addition - now(sense)]

Please get involve(d i just missed letter D) ...

Type be yourself and be proud of it ...

One more thing ... 4th edit lol i know...

Have you ever noticed that some of the songs wich you used to listed to for some period in the past ain't so good for you anymore I mean they just don't kick asss don't moves you ?

But on the other hands there are some songs like ...for exp. The White Stripes - 7 nation army.mp3 wich kicks ass... still over such a long time ... OMG

Re: README in english (no dictionaries!)

PostNapisane: 10 maja 2010, 18:37
przez VA
FX napisał(a):this isn't about challange or competing it's all about practice...

Well, it's good you want to practise it'll let you use English more comfortably, but it's no good without being tutted. It won't make you perfect. You'll just practise the same mistakes again and again.
You'd better write something about particular subject, eg. "What the hell am I doing in England", and ask to show you the mistakes if you make progress.

Re: README in english (no dictionaries!)

PostNapisane: 10 maja 2010, 18:47
przez FX
Well, it's good you want to practise it'll let you use English more comfortably

hell ... yeah.
but it's no good without being tutted

feel free to correct my mistakes.
You'll just practise the same mistakes again and again.

Only person who does nothing ...does no mistakes ... u know what i mean.
and ask to show you the mistakes if you make progress.

Omg man ... just let it go .. chill out ... This is what is all about in this topic dictionarioes no bloody teachers ...omg i am fed up of these masters ... common trust me u cant sp0eak/write withous speaking ... u just simply say in other words that there is no point to write with mistakes ...learn by your mistakes ... Jesuis |Christ ...
don;'t spread the bullshit allright ?

Re: README in english (no dictionaries!)

PostNapisane: 10 maja 2010, 19:05
przez VA
FX napisał(a):u just simply say in other words that there is no point to write with mistakes ...learn by your mistakes

How do you want to learn from your mistakes if you don't know where they are?
Either you want to learn something or bubble anything, but then I'm off.

Re: README in english (no dictionaries!)

PostNapisane: 10 maja 2010, 19:44
przez FX
How do you want to learn from your mistakes if you don't know where they are?

Oh f**k here we go again ... Do you understand what i am saing ? that's it YOU WON !

THIS IS IT ... nothing else We talk here we don't teach ! You can leave if u don't like.

OK PLS POINT MY MISTAKES if u REALLY need to be MASTER and tutor ...omfg ...jesus ... christ

Re: README in english (no dictionaries!)

PostNapisane: 10 maja 2010, 21:01
przez VA
You're on the wrong forum then :-D

Re: README in english (no dictionaries!)

PostNapisane: 10 maja 2010, 22:17
przez Bartsun
Readme hahaha just like .nfo files in most of cracked games ;)

it might be a good idea to argue in foreign language... well done FX, did you try "POLITOLOGIA"* yet? :)

catch you later ppl

*temporary out of english please remind me what the "good" word is.

Re: README in english (no dictionaries!)

PostNapisane: 11 maja 2010, 05:53
przez FX
THIS IS IT ... nothing else We talk here we don't teach ! You can leave if u don't like.
You're on the wrong forum then

Welcome to the dark side of this forum

I always thought if u are on certain level of learning you don't need teacher anymore...
Do you have a teacher ... ? Anyone got here ? Don't think so ...

You are weird ...This topic is like test your self ...first u got to find your mistakes and then try to correct them.

I think the problem is you just don't want to iivolve in any discussion couse you certainly got nothing to say...

That what you always do on this forum jerking off each other or complain or criticise.

Besides I don't think you could teach anyon ...what can you write ?Your post is written like very basic.You don't write like this :
Over 90% of Japanese immigrants to the USA settled in California, where labor and farm competition fed into general anti-Japanese sentiment.[14] In 1905, California's anti-miscegenation law outlawed marriages between Caucasians and "Mongolians" (an umbrella term which, at the time, was used in reference to the Japanese, among other ethnicities of East Asian ancestry).

so blow me !

Re: README in english (no dictionaries!)

PostNapisane: 11 maja 2010, 11:57
przez kahna77
Calm down guys!! no need for that! I am not getting involved but just one comment - why don't you, at least, when you write something here, make extra effort to make sure it's legible, I mean it makes sense and when someone is reading it they can actually understand...? You can do this by reading your own words before sending it, all right? This can also help you correct your own mistakes (so called 'proofreading') and that should keep everybody happy then (VA and FX) :grin:

[ Dodano: Wto Maj 11, 2010 13:07 ]
FX, I have replied to your question under 'I am the lucky one too' xx

[ Dodano: Sro Maj 12, 2010 11:39 ]
It's gone a bit quiet in here, what's up folks? I have a day off today and I'm trying to make the most of it!!!