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Wzór umowy najmu mieszkania

PostNapisane: 7 gru 2008, 12:03
przez lusia
Czytając forum zauważyłam że zdarzają się problemy z landlordem w sprawach: remontów, usterek, terminów, zwrotów depozytu, wypowiedzenia umowy najmu mieszkania itd.
Czy może ktoś wkleić/napisać/podać dobry wzór umowy, w której wszystkie istotne rzeczy będą zawarte i nie będziemy musieli w przyszłości "domyślać się" naszych praw albo pluć sobie w brode że podpisaliśmy nie jasną z niedopowiedzeniami lub nie do końca rzetelną umowę.

Z reguły umowe taką "podsuwa" nam do podpisania landlord ale może warto mieć swój wzór? który mógłby zostać zaakceptowany - oczywiście przy rzetelnych prawach i obowiązkach każdej ze stron.

A czy powinno się mieć umowe wynajmu pokoju od landlorda? bo chyba warto dla świętego spokoju? cczy też ktoś mógłby podać dobry wzór.

I może ktoś doradzi czy podpisując kontrakt na wynajem mieszkania wpisywać jedną osobę jako Tenant czy jeśli wynajmiemy we dwójke to wpisać nas oboje?

Re: Wzór umowy najmu mieszkania

PostNapisane: 7 gru 2008, 12:16
przez agamiltko
Hej. Jezeli wynajmujecie oboje to jak najbardziej na umowie powinny byc 2 nazwiska. Ja gotowego wzoru nie mam. Pamietam tylko, ze jak podpisywalam swoja pierwsza umowe z agencja, to byli w szoku, ze chce zmienic tyle rzeczy np. mamy psa, w umowie bylo- no pets, termin napraw, opisanie stanu lokalu... Wiem, ze agencje maja standardowe umowy. Druga umowe podpisywalismy bezposrednio z wlascicielem i ja mu po prostu dalam wykaz co chce miec zawarte w umowie, on powiedzial mi co on chce, obylo sie bez problemow, acha wlasciciel zamiescil w umowie zapis, ze mamy czuc sie dobrze w naszym wynajmowanym domku:). Ciezko jest zamiescic gotowy wzor, bo to bedzie jedna ze standardowych umow, zrob tak jak ja i bedziesz pewna, ze masz w umowie to co trzeba.

Re: Wzór umowy najmu mieszkania

PostNapisane: 9 gru 2008, 12:46
przez lusia
Znalazlam w necie kilka umów, niektóre bardzo krótkie inne strasznie dlugie, więc stworzyłam z tego mniej więcej taka umowę, wpisałam przykładowe dane. Może coś ważnego w tej umowie jeszcze brakuje:

Assured Shorthold Tenancy Agreement
For letting a furnished dwelling flat on an Assured Shorthold Tenancy
Under Part 1 of the Housing Act 1988 as amended by the Housing Act 1996.

This agreement is made the …11…. day of …November……2008…….


The Landlord & address & phone...

The Tenant & phone...

The Landlord lets and the Tenant takes the Property for the Term at the Rent payable upon the terms and conditions of this agreement.


The Property situated at and being ...address.., together with the fixtures, fitting, furniture and effects therein and more particularly specified in the Inventory List signed by the Tenant and the Landlord.


The tenancy is for a fixed term from ...11 November 2008... to 12 am on ..11 May 2009.. .

When the tenancy comes to the end of the fixed term, and the Tenant wants to continue the tenancy and have not already received from the Landlord two months’ writting notice to end the tenancy, it will carry on from month to month as a monthly contractual tenancy. The Tenant musts give one month’s notice to end the tenancy.


The Rent shall be £ ..600.. (...sixhundred.. pounds) per ..calendar month.., payable in advance.
The Rent shall be payable on the first day of every ...month.., during the Term of this agreement.

The Landlord shall provide a receipt to the Tenant on request.

RENT includes payment for : ...TV Licence.... (itd).

RENT not includes payment for : ...Cuncil Tax... (itd).


The Deposit is £ ..600.. (...sixhundred.. pounds).
The Deposit is held as security for the performance of the Tenant’s obligations under this agreement and to compensate the Landlord for any breach of those obligations.

The Deposit will be refunded to the Tenant, less any deductions, within 14 days once the following have been completed:
- the Property has been yielded up to the Landlord and
- any deductions have been agreed between the Tenant and the Landlord and
- copies of receipted utilities bills have been provided to the Landlord

The deposit may be applied to the last month’s rent

Notice service

If the Landlord need to serve any notice on the Tenant, the Landlord will deliver it by hand or send it to the Tenant by first-class post to the property address.

If the Tenant need to serve any notice on the Landlord, the Tenant will deliver it by hand or send it to the Landlord by first-class post to the property address.

Tenant’s Obligations

Pay the Rent on the day and in the manner specified.

Pay all charges that is not included in the Rent but you using/serviced.

Keep the Property clean tidy and in good condition as it was when the tenancy started (fair wear and tear excepted)

Repair any damage that you have done deliberately or that was caused by the neglect or carelessness of you or anyone else living in or visiting the property.

Notify the Landlord of any faults that the Landlord is responsible to repair.
I TU NIE WIEM COS DOPISAĆ: Repair must be done (within one month ? ) (If not ...............)

Permit the Landlord and or his agents or others, after giving 24 hours notice and at reasonable hours of the daytime, to enter the Property to view their state and condition and to execute repairs and other works upon the Property or other properties, or to show prospective tenant the Property during the last month of the Term.

Ensure that the Property is kept secure at all times, locking doors and windows and activating burglar alarms as appropriate.

Be responsible for looking after the garden. It must be kept tidy and grass cut according to the season , but the Tenant does not have to improve the garden.

Not make or permit any noise or play any radio, television or other equipment in or about the Property between the hours of 10pm and 7am so as to be audible outside the Property.

Not carry on any trade or profession upon the Property nor receive paying guests but use the Property only as a private residence for the occupancy of.

Yield up the Property at the end of the tenancy in the same good clean state and condition as it was at the beginning of the tenancy (reasonable wear and tear excepted).

Return all keys to the Property to the Landlord on the last day of the tenancy (or sooner by mutual arrangement).

Remove all rubbish from the Property before returning the Property to the Landlord.

Landlord’s obligations

Pay and indemnify the Tenant against all assessments and outgoings in respect of the Property (except those for which responsibility is assumed by the Tenant under this agreement).

Allow the Tenant, paying the Rent and performing the obligations on the part of the Tenant, to quietly possess and enjoy the Property during the tenancy without any unlawful interruptions from the Landlord or any person claiming under or in trust for the Landlord.

To return to the Tenant any rent paid for any period while the Property could not be lived in because of fire or any other danger that the Landlord is insured for.

The Tenant authorises the Local Authority to discuss with the Landlord the details of any Housing Benefit or Council Tax claims made at any time in relation to the renting of the Property.

Inventory List
.........lista i stan rzeczy w mieszkaniu..........

Signature of Landlord , Signature of Tenant

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